This is an ongoing project to completely restore one of the official Star Trek Next Generation Enterprise D Bridge sets that was created by Paramount sometime during the late 1990s to be used for display, after the ORIGINAL SET was completely DESTROYED in the film, STAR TREK: GENERATIONS. This replica set was created under the supervision of Herman Zimmerman and Michael Okuda.

In late 2011, we rescued the ENTIRE STAR TREK NEXT GENERATION ENTERPRISE D BRIDGE from BEING DESTROYED! Paramount had built it using fiberglas instead of wood, and it survived for nearly 5 years, but had since been long forgotten.

It is our Prime Directive to completely restore the STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION D Bridge Set to make it a Fully InteractiveSimulator available for Display, Parties, Movie Showings, Fundraising, Charities, Fan Films, as well as newly created interactive Education Missions, so that entire classrooms of students can steer the Enterprise to other planets, galaxies and more!

Jean-Luc Picard's Captain's Chair is presently being refurbished and will be completed by October 2012.

   front view of bridge    Bridge Wall Plaque    side view of bridge




The NEW STARSHIP FOUNDATION, nor any of it's Star Trek Items, is offered, sponsored, or endorsed by CBS or Paramount.

And also a statement of copyright ownership on your site and any and all ancillary materials produced:

STAR TREK, THE ENTERPRISE, and any related logos and designs are owned by CBS Studios Inc. Design of Enterprise Bridge and LCARS Interface © CBS Studios.